Founded in 1905, the San Martin region is more than 51,000km2 mainly covered in plantations of cocoa, rice and coffee. The vast rainforests of the region and wetlands in northern Peru, suffered a rapid and massive deforestation in the 20th century, due to the construction of roads and development encouraging the cultivation of rice and coffee. Approximately 1.6 million hectares of primary forest have already been slaughtered in the last fifty years. If nothing changes, San Martin could lose the majority of its forests by 2050, and with them the natural foundations of which the province needs to ensure the well-being of its population.
Reforest'Action is committed on the ground alongside IIAP, the Institute of Amazonian Research Peru based in Tarapoto, which tracks the plantations. The project aims to restore a section of the Amazon forest, located partly in the Conservation Area Cordillera Escalera, planting various species of trees that will bring many benefits to local communities: Mayan walnut, capironas, cedralas, guapuruvus.